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© Raise Your Hands 2020. All rights reserved.
Raise Your Hands is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in England & Wales. Registered charity no. 1174956 Company no. 04677253 and registered charity no. 1099682.
Trade Marks
RYH owns the rights in and to the madnessuk.com domain name and the Midnight Madness’ logo. Other trade marks, products, services and company names mentioned on the Website or in the Content may be trademarks of their respective owners or licensors and the rights in such marks are reserved to their respective owners or licensors.
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All images displayed on this website are copyright (©), or licensed to, RYH unless otherwise credited, and all rights are reserved. Images of artists’ work may not be copied, downloaded or reproduced from the Content of this Website without the express written permission of RYH.
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RYH tries to ensure that the Content is correct but accepts no liability for any errors or omissions. The Content should not be relied on and RYH accepts no liability for such reliance.
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To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law RYH excludes all warranties, representations or understandings whatsoever (whether express or implied) in relation to the Website and the Content, specifically including but not limited to, any warranty or representation that the Website and the Content are free from computer viruses, errors and omissions and do not infringe any third parties’ rights.
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